Counseling Center
Welcome to the Counseling Center
Please feel free to call with questions or concerns.
Mrs. Reaume, Counselor
Scholars Club
Scholars Club is a place for students to work on assignments, study for an upcoming test, or get help with their work. Scholars Club meets most Mondays through Thursdays, from 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. in CMS Lab 110. In order to maintain an on-task, academic learning environment, students and parents/guardians must agree on the Scholars Club rules. The rules must be signed prior to a student's second visit to Scholars Club. The rules are available in the counseling center or you can click here to print a copy: Scholars Club Rules and Expectations
Peer Tutors
If you need some help in one or more of your classes, the first thing you should do is talk to your teacher. Then you may want to sign up for a Peer Tutor. If so, fill out the "I Need a Tutor!" Sign Up Form. We will match you up with another student who is doing well in the class or a CHS National Honor Society member to help you with your class.
CMS Counseling Groups and Sign Up Form
Mrs. Reaume runs groups for students at different times during the school year. They each meet once per week for six weeks. Groups that may be offered are Grief and Loss, Changing Families/Divorce, Anger Management, Girls Empowered, Take 5, and Boyz 2 Men. Click on the following link for descriptions of each group including a sign-up form: CMS Counseling Group Information & Sign Up Form
Clawson Virtual Calm Corner
Need a boost? Visit Clawson Virtual Calm Center for a complete toolbox of virtual resources to help deal with stress and anxiety. There is everything from virtual mandala to taking a peek at the tropical reef live cam - a wide assortment of activities to soothe and calm the heart and mind. Check it out today!
Contact Information
Amy Reaume, Counselor