Welcome to the Clawson Childcare Center!
Where hands-on learning begins!
Childcare Employee Standards
- All employees are certified in infant and adult CPR and first aid yearly.
- All employees are required to take Safe Sleep, Blood Borne Pathogens, and Child Neglect auto-tutorials.
- All employees are required to take 15 credits of childcare-related training classes yearly.
- Background checks through the Michigan State Police and LiveScan Fingerprints are performed prior to hiring all employees.
Childcare Quicklinks
Upcoming Events
18 Apr
Childcare Center ClosedDate: Apr 18Calendar: Childcare Center Calendar
26 May
Childcare Center ClosedDate: May 26Calendar: Childcare Center Calendar
29 Aug
Childcare Center Closedthru Sep 1Childcare Center ClosedDate: Aug 29 - Sep 1Calendar: Childcare Center Calendar
Baker Administration Building

Maple Adolph-Blake
The Therapy Dog
Mrs. Renay has a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education from Oakland University and is currently attending OU to receive her Masters Degree in Early Childhood. She has worked for Clawson Early Childhood Center for 27 years, becoming the director in 2012. Outside of work she's busy with her 3 children: Aiden (18), Collin (16), and Lillian (12). She has 2 dogs, Maximus & Littles, and during the workday Maple the Therapy Dog keeps her company!